Conversations with the Earth

Endapan mineral di Finlandia dan Swedia

Perjalanan saya ke lingkaran kutub utara

Atlas of ore minerals: my collection

Basic information of ore mineralogy from different location in Indonesia


I always try to draw a sketch during hiking

Apa itu inklusi fluida?

Inklusi fluida adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan adanya fluida yang terperangkap selama kristal tumbuh. Gas dan solid juga bisa terperangkap di dalam mineral.

Situ Cisanti di Pengalengan, Bandung

50 km dari Bandung, Situ Cisanti terkenal karena menjadi sumber mata air sungai Citarum

Showing posts with label article in english. Show all posts
Showing posts with label article in english. Show all posts

Monday, September 21, 2015

Gold in Indonesia

This video is filmed by Michael Phillips, my American English lecturer in Leoben. I took this summer course, tittled "Advanced English Courses for Academic Research" and he is one of the coolest and funniest lecture I´ve ever met. 

Now I know how I act in front of the audiences, the gestures, the tones, the pronounciation, etc. 

Never been shy to make a mistake. Once you know, you know how to improve it.

Thanks Mike.

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